METTA MEDITATION RETREAT with Venerable Sister Vīrañāṇi. 5th-15th October

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After a resounding heart felt experience in her last 2022 retreat Sister Vīrañāṇi is back to lead us to the boundless realms of Metta.

Spread the word near and far as this is truly a unique retreat.

Rainbow over the bush – taken by Sister Viranani October 2019


Testimonials from our 2018 retreat

Venerable Sister Vīrañāṇi’s Metta teachings felt direct, rich, and nourishing. Her knowledge and the metaphors that she used encouraged a deep development of loving-kindness qualities. I’m now much more aware that expanding our hearts is an important indirect factor for awakening. Venerable Vīrañāṇi also created the conditions for the strengthening of the other virtues – compassion, empathetic-joy, and equanimity. Together with loving-kindness these increased a felt serenity and stability of mind. As a result since the retreat I’ve found my Metta practice has greatly supported the momentum and energy of my Vipassana (ie mindfulness and insight) practice. Venerable Vīrañāṇi conveyed a sense of the protective nature of Metta and a quiet courage has been a welcome and unexpected outcome of this retreat.
Venerable Vīrañāṇi’s prior learning as a biologist seemed to underpin her strong understandings of the interconnectedness of all things. While this flowed into recognition of Metta’s importance for all life on this small blue planet, her approach was practical and this helped ground the practice. It was humbling to gain some sense of the renunciation, courage, and sila (ie ethical conduct) that Venerable Vīrañāṇi embodies which are also evidenced by her charity efforts in Burma. It was a privilege to experience this respected teacher (hence the ‘Venerable’) who’s monastic background includes the tutelage of Sayadaw U Pandita, the successor to Mahasi Sayadaw U Sobhana, both of whom are regarded as amongst the world’s great meditation masters.                                                                                                                     



Although I am a Christian meditator, I come because these retreats with Sister Vīrañāṇi are a time of discovery and an experience of deepening understanding, not only of the Buddha’s teachings but of myself through the teachings and the silence. The evening Dharma talks are given with clarity and skill from a base of scholarship and an experience of living as a nun in Burma. I feel huge gratitude towards, and respect for the Buddha and his teachings, and  my understanding of Jesus and his teachings is deepened and enriched.  The practical and wise guidance of Sister Vīrañāṇi and her light touch, especially in the personal interviews,  allows me to see with some humour whatever is arising and how to meet it or let it be.

When our silence ends on the last day I hear nothing but praise, appreciation and the love and respect people feel for Vīrañāṇi. It is such a privilege to be there with her, to receive and carry away the experience and skills learned.

The beauty of Te Moata is a joy to wake up to in any weather, and the staff and service teams work quietly and unobtrusively caring for all our needs and bringing us delicious meals. 


Venerable Sister Vīrañāṇi began to practice meditation in 1979, as a scientist and conservation biologist in Hawai’i and New Zealand. In the mid‐1990s, she began to practice more intensively, and in 2003 took novice ordination in the Burmese lineage of Mahasi Sayadaw beginning a four‐year period devoted to intensive practice. She took permanent ordination in Burma with Sayadaw U Pandita on New Year 2006, and now mostly resides at the Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre North of Yangon. She teaches loving‐kindness and Vipassanā meditation retreats worldwide. She was one of the editors (for Pali and  English) of the translation from the Burmese of Mahasi Sayadaw’s Manual of Insight recently published by Wisdom Publications. In 2008 she co‐founded Metta In Action, a charity devoted to offering Burmese people in need the means and skills to help themselves.

FEES: $1100

The registration fee covers food and accommodation for the retreat. Please see our FAQ page for our cancellation policy.

The facilitator’s fee is not set and consists entirely of your Dana. As there is no Eftpos at Te Moata, Dana payments at the end of retreats need to be by cheque or cash, or made online. Details of accounts will be given at the end of the retreat.

Dana (meaning generosity) invites each individual to develop their own capacity to be generous according to their means. We invite you to also contribute Dana for Te Moata’s ongoing costs. Dana contributions can be given at the end of the retreat.

Rooms are mainly curtained cubicles with shared bathrooms. A limited number of single rooms/cabins/cottages are available at a surcharge – please see our FAQ page for surcharges and explanation how this works. Those booking early and paying in full will be the queue for an accommodation upgrade. Bedding can be hired for $25.00.

The kitchen team will provide delicious and nutritious vegetarian meals. Please indicate on the registration form if you have any food allergies or special dietary needs. Please email us to discuss your allergies/intolerances if your needs are complex. There is a $10 per day surcharge to cater for special diets.

*Please note: Single Accommodation, Bedding, and Special Diet Surcharges are payable directly to Te Moata so please pay online, for your special diet, bedding or once your accommodation upgrade has been confirmed

For further information please contact Paul